MKMSGF IY N A R I IIncorrect function EThe system cannot find the file specified. EThe system cannot find the path specified. EThe system cannot open the file. EThe system will not allow access to the file specified. IIncorrect internal file identifier. IThe storage control blocks were destroyed. ENot enough storage is available to process this command. IThe storage control block address is invalid. IThe environment is incorrect. IAn attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. IThe access code is invalid. IThe data is invalid. EThe system cannot find the drive specified. EThe directory cannot be removed. EThe system cannot move the file to a different disk drive. IThere are no more files. EThe diskette is write protected. EThe system cannot find the device specified. EThe drive is not ready. IThe device does not recognize the command. EData error (cyclic redundancy check) IThe program issued a command but the command length is incorrect. EThe drive cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. IThe disk or diskette cannot be accessed because it is not properly formatted for IBM Operating System/2. EThe drive cannot find the sector requested. EThe printer is out of paper. EThe system cannot write to the specified device. EThe system cannot read from the specified device. EA device attached to the system is not functioning. EThe process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. EThe process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. PThe wrong diskette is in the drive. Insert %2 into drive %1. EThe program could not open the requested file. EThe system has detected an overflow in the sharing buffer. EThe system cannot write to the write-protected %1 drive. EThe system cannot find the %1 device. EThe %1 device is not ready. IThe %1 device does not recognize the command. EData error (cyclic redundancy check) on %1. IThe program issued a command to %1 but the command length was incorrect. EDrive %1 cannot locate a specific area or track on the disk. IDrive %1 is not properly formatted for IBM Operating System/2. EDrive %1 cannot find the sector requested. EThe %1 printer is out of paper. EThe system cannot write to the %1 device. EThe system cannot read from the %1 device. EThe %1 device is not functioning. IThe network request is not supported. IThe remote computer is not on line. IThere is a duplicate filename on the network. IThe network path was not found. IThe network is busy. IThe network device is no longer installed. IThe network BIOS command limit was reached. IA network adapter hardware error occurred. IThe response from the network was incorrect. IAn unexpected network error occurred. IThe remote adapter is incompatible. IThe print queue is full. IThere is not enough space for the print file. IThe print file was deleted. IThe network name was deleted. INetwork access is denied. IThe network device type is incorrect. IThe network name cannot be found. IThe network name limit was exceeded. IThe network BIOS session limit was exceeded. IThe network has paused. IThe network request was not accepted. IThe print or disk redirection has paused. IThe file exists. EThe directory or file cannot be created. IFail on INT 24 EInsufficient storage is available to process this request. IThe network redirection already exists. IThe network password entered is incorrect. IThe parameter is incorrect. IThe network has a write fault. Check the network error log for more information. EThe system cannot start another process at this time. PInsert the diskette for drive %1. PProgram stopped because alternate diskette was not inserted. EThe disk is in use or locked by another process. IThe system cannot open the device or file specified. EThere is not enough space on the disk. INo more internal file identifiers available. IThe target internal file identifier is incorrect. IThe system does not support the command requested. IThe Application Program Interface (API) entered will only work in IBM Operating System/2 mode. EA filename or volume label contains an incorrect character. IThe disk has no volume label. IThis program cannot be run in DOS mode. IA JOIN or SUBST command cannot be used for a drive that contains previously joined drives. IAn attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been joined. IAn attempt was made to use a JOIN or SUBST command on a drive that has already been substituted. IThe system tried to delete the JOIN of a drive that is not joined. IThe system tried to delete the substitution of a drive that is not substituted. IThe system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive. IThe system tried to substitute a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. IThe system tried to join a drive to a directory on a substituted drive. IThe system tried to SUBST a drive to a directory on a joined drive. EThe system cannot perform a JOIN or SUBST at this time. IThe system cannot join or substitute a drive to or for a directory on the same drive. EThe directory is not a subdirectory of the root directory. EThe directory is not empty. EThe path specified is being used in a substitute. ENot enough storage is available to process this command. EThe path specified cannot be used at this time. IAn attempt was made to join or substitute a drive for which a directory on the drive is the target of a previous substitute. EVolume label is too long. EThe network has not been installed. IThe system cannot lock the required segment in memory. IThe system experienced an error swapping in a segment. IThe system cannot swap in a segment. IThe segment is in use by another process. EThe system detected a segment number that was not correct. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. E%1 cannot be run in IBM Operating System/2 mode. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. E%1 cannot be run in IBM Operating System/2 mode. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run this application program. EIBM Operating System/2 is not presently configured to run this application. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run this application program. IThe code segment cannot be greater than or equal to 64KB. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. EIBM Operating System/2 cannot run %1. IThe system could not find the environment option that was entered. INo process in the command subtree has a signal handler. IThe filename or extension is too long. IThe ring 2 stack is in use. IThe global filename characters, * or ? are entered incorrectly or too many global filename characters are specified. EThe system detected an invalid pipe operation. EThe pipe is in use by another process. IThere is no data to be read. EThe pipe is disconnected. EMore data is available. EThe network connection is disconnected. EThe Directory Rename/Move operation has failed as it would cause a circularity in the directories. EDirectory Rename/Move operation failed since source directory is a current directory. EThe system cannot find message %1 in message file %2. EMessage file %1 cannot be found. EThe system cannot read message file %1. EA programming error occurred when using the message retriever. EThe system cannot display the message. IA display mode error occurred. EThe system cannot find COUNTRY.SYS. EUnable to open COUNTRY.SYS. EThe type of information requested is not in the current COUNTRY.SYS file. IA segment of your application was temporarily moved out of main storage to a swap file on the hard disk and the the system cannot swap the segment back in. For additional information key in: help sys%1 IA segment of your application was temporarily moved out of main storage to a swap file on the hard disk. The system does not have enough memory to reload the segment. For additional information key in: help sys%1 IDOS cannot be started because too many files are open. Switch back to OS/2 mode and terminate some applications to reduce the number of open files. Then switch back to DOS mode and retry the command. EAn incorrect parameter was entered for the command. E%1 is an incorrect parameter for the command. EThe syntax of the command is incorrect. PPlease stand by. %1. EThe file is too big to be sorted. EThe number of lines (records) in the file has exceeded the limit of the SORT command. ENo clusters are available on volume %1. PPress Enter to begin recovery of the files on drive %1. EThe system cannot find the drive specified. I%1 of %2 bytes were recovered. EWarning! The directory is full. I%1 file(s) recovered. PPress any key when ready . . . ? EThe system cannot find the command processor in the path specified. EThe system cannot accept the path or filename requested. The system cannot accept the date entered. EThe system cannot find the batch label specified. EThe name specified is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. The system cannot accept the time entered. EThe application program is not compatible with the version of IBM Operating System/2 being used. IBM Operating System/2 Command Interpreter Version 1.20 I%1 file(s) copied. IThe current date is: IThe current time is: ? I Directory of %1 I ? EThe system is out of environment space. EThe system cannot execute the specified program. I %1 File(s) %2 bytes free EThe system detected a file error. I %1 File(s). EThe input line is too long. EThe contents of the target file were lost. Insert the diskette that contains the batch file and press any key when ready. P Enter the new date: (mm%1dd%1yy) ? Enter the new time: EThe handle could not be duplicated during redirection of handle %1. IECHO is off. IECHO is on. IVERIFY is off. IVERIFY is on. EThe file cannot be copied onto itself. E%1 was unexpected at this time. CMD.EXE has halted. IThe Process Identification Number is %1. EA duplicate filename exists, or the file cannot be found. P%1, Are you sure (Y/N)? ? EThe following character string is too long: I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Void I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Zombie I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Ready IThe IBM Operating System/2 Version is %1.%2 I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Blocked EThe handle could not be duplicated during a pipe operation. PMore? I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Frozen I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 CritSec I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 BackGnd I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 Boost I %1 %2 Void %3 %4 I %1 %2 Zombie %3 %4 I %1 %2 Ready %3 %4 I %1 %2 Blocked %3 %4 EThe system cannot create the directory. EThe system cannot find the directory specified. I%1 is joined to %2 I%1 is substituted for %2 I %1 %2 Frozen %3 %4 EThe system cannot complete the process. I %1 %2 CritSec %3 %4 I %1 %2 BackGnd %3 %4 I %1 %2 Boost %3 %4 I%1 did not install. I The system unit is not an AT or XT-286. I The system is not a PS/2 machine. I The device adapter is not supported. I The device adapter could not be located. I The interrupt level is not available. I Advanced BIOS is not present. PSunPMonPTuePWedPThuPFriPSatEAn incorrect process ID was entered for the command. System Semaphore Information Owning Process No. of No. of Semaphore (Name ID Session) Index References Requests Flag Name I%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 Named Shared Memory Information No. of Handle Selector References Shared Memory Name I %1 %2 %3 %4 Process and Thread Information Parent Run-Time Process Process Session Process Link Shared ID ID ID Name Libraries Memory Names I %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 Run-Time Link Libraries Process Process Session Name ID ID Library List EThe source path is missing. I %1 %2 %3 %4 PPress Enter to begin adding files. PPress Enter to begin replacing files. EThe system cannot find the files specified: %1. Process and Thread Information Parent Process Process Session Process Thread ID ID ID Name ID Priority Block ID State Thread ID Priority State Block ID Owned Semaphores I %1 %2 %3 %4 EAccess to %1 is denied. INo files were added. I%1 file(s) added. INo files were replaced. I%1 file(s) replaced. PDo you want to add %1 (Y/N)? PDo you want to replace %1 (Y/N)? IAdding file %1. IReplacing file %1. PDo you want to compare more files (Y/N)? PEnter the first filename. PEnter the second filename. IThe files compare OK. IThere were 10 or more mismatches in comparing the files. The system is ending the COMPARE command. IMismatching byte of file 2 = IMismatching byte of file 1 = IA COMPARE error occurred at OFFSET IThe files are different sizes. Do you want to continue (Y/N)? ICompare file %1 and file %2 WThe system cannot find the %1 path. IFiles compare OK for lengths compared. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT / L.CLEARY PParameters modified %6 Mouse Device Driver Version %1.%2 is not loaded %6 Mouse Device Driver Version %1.%2 is loaded Mode = %3 Qsize = %4 Serial = %5 EThe system cannot copy the file. EInternal error %1 occurred during XCOPY. EXCOPY cannot access the source file. EXCOPY cannot access the target file. EXCOPY cannot close the source or target file. EXCOPY cannot access the source or target drive. EThe command "%2" on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is not recognized. Line %1 is ignored. EThe parameter "%3" on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is not acceptable for the %2 command. Line %1 is ignored. EThe %2 command requires a parameter that is not specified on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. EThe device driver "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect for IBM Operating System/2. EThe system cannot create DOS mode. The error code is %1. EThe device driver "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file was not installed. Line %1 is ignored. IThe device driver "%1" that is needed to start the system failed to install. Install the correct device driver in the root directory of the startup device and restart the system. EAn Input/Output privilege level is required for the program or device driver %3 specified in the %2 command on line %1. Line %1 is not used. EAn Input/Output privilege level is required for the program or device driver %1. IThe device driver "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file has modified DOS mode system storage. Correct the problem in the device driver, or edit the CONFIG.SYS file to remove the DEVICE command. Then restart the system. EThere is not enough storage to load the program or device driver "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. Enter the new date: (yy%1mm%1dd) P Enter the new date: (dd%1mm%1yy) EThe process cannot be completed. You are using an incorrect version of IBM Operating System/2. PAbort, Retry, or Ignore? PPress any key to continue. EThe system cannot accept the drive specified or a fixed disk. PInsert the source diskette in drive %1 PInsert the target diskette in drive %1 EThe source diskette is bad or incompatible with the drive type. ETarget diskette is bad or incompatible with the drive type. PCompare another diskette (Y/N)? IComparing %1 tracks %2 sectors per track, %3 side(s). EDrive types or diskette types are incompatible. IComparison error on side %1 track %2. I The Volume Serial Number is %1 ICompare has ended. IThe compared diskettes are identical. PEnter the source drive letter. PEnter the target drive letter. EA subdirectory or file %1 already exists. IError occurred while processing: %1. IFormatting while copying... IThe target diskette may be unusable. PCopy another diskette (Y/N)? ICopying %1 tracks %2 sectors per track, %3 side(s). IUnrecoverable error occurred while reading side %1, track %2 of the source diskette. IUnrecoverable error occurred while reading side %1, track %2 of the target diskette. ICopy has ended. PInsert a new diskette in drive %1 and press Enter when ready. PWarning! All data on fixed disk %1 will be lost! Proceed with FORMAT (Y/N)? IThe system files have been transferred. PFormat another diskette (Y/N)? EThe size of the requested partition exceeds 4,096 MB. EThe /S parameter is not supported in this release of OS/2. EThe FORMAT command has detected an incorrect parameter. IInsert target diskette for drive %1 and press Enter when ready. IInsert the IBM Operating System/2 startup diskette in drive %1 and press Enter. EThe format was unsuccessful. EThe disk is unsuitable for a system disk. ETrack 0 cannot be formatted. P I%1 bytes total disk space I%1 bytes used by system files I%1 bytes in defective sectors I%1 bytes available on disk PEnter up to 11 characters for the volume label, or press Enter for no volume label. EThe volume label was written to the disk without leading blanks. IThe system files could not be transferred. EAn error has occurred while reading the system file %1. IThe system disk is missing file %1. IThe new type of file system is %1. IFormatting has been completed. EFORMAT cannot write the file system to the target disk. EAn incorrect parameter was specified for formatting the fixed disk. EAn incorrect combination of parameters was specified. IThe ONCE parameter is not valid when formatting a fixed disk. Parameter is ignored. IThe /f parameter is not necessary. The parameter is ignored. IHead:%1 Cylinder:%2 %3EThe system is currently unable to format drive %1. I%1 bytes in each allocation unit. I%1 total allocation units. I%1 available allocation units on disk. EA drive letter must be specified. EThe system files are missing. I%1 percent of disk formatted %2EAn error has occurred while reading or writing to the fixed disk partition. PEnter the current volume label for drive %1. EIncorrect volume label entered for drive %1. EThe file FORMATS.TBL is missing or an error occurred while reading this file. The system transfer continues. ISystem file transfer is in progress... IThe /N or /T parameters are not necessary and have been ignored. [DOS mode storage report] %1 bytes total storage %2 bytes free Contains %2 non-contiguous blocks. IAll specified files are contiguous. EThe system cannot accept the %1%2 parameter. ECHKDSK cannot accept the specified drive. E%1 allocation error, size adjusted. EDisk error reading the File Allocation Table %1. EDisk error writing the File Allocation Table %1. IDirectory %1 Errors found. F parameter not specified. Corrections will not be written to disk. E%1 has an incorrect cluster. EThe system cannot read the current directory. E%1 allocation size error. E%1 is cross-linked on cluster %2 The first cluster number of %1 is incorrect. The entry has been truncated. ICHKDSK encountered an unrecoverable error in directory %1. PConvert directory to file (Y/N)? E%1 directory is totally empty. Tree past this point is not processed. W%1 is an incorrect subdirectory. WThe system cannot recover . entry, processing continued. EThe system cannot recover the .. entry. Tree past this point not processed. E%1 has a bad link, attribute, or size. I%1 lost clusters found in %2 chains. Do you want to display them as files(Y/N)? ? I%1 does not exist. %1 lost clusters found in %2 chains. These clusters and chains will be erased unless you convert them to files. Do you want to convert them to files(Y/N)? ? I%1 bytes disk space freed. W%1 bytes disk space would be freed. WNo recovered files can be added to the root directory. %1 bytes total disk space. I%1 bytes in bad sectors. I%1 bytes in %2 hidden files. I%1 bytes in %2 directories. I%1 bytes in %2 user files. I%1 bytes in %2 recovered files. I%1 bytes would be in %2 recovered files. I%1 bytes available on disk. IProcessing cannot continue. EFile Allocation Table is bad on drive %1 IThe volume label is %1. WA disk error occurred while writing to directory entry %1 EThe system is unable to write to the root directory on drive %1 PThe system has detected a probable non-DOS disk. Do you want to continue? (Y/N) WA disk error occurred while reading directory entry %1. The tree past this point will not be processed. IThe storage dump is being performed... IThe diskette is full. Insert another formatted diskette in drive A. EAn attempt to use the diskette in drive A for a storage dump failed. IInsert storage dump diskette number 1 to complete the dump. IThe Operating System/2 dump diskette is being created. EThe CREATEDD utility cannot continue. EThe CREATEDD utility cannot find the diskette drive specified. IDump data exists on the diskette. Insert another CREATEDD diskette. Press Enter to continue. PAre you using a %1 megabyte diskette in drive %2 (Y/N)? IThe program ended prior to completion. IThe storage dump has completed. Remove the dump diskette and restart the system. EThis diskette cannot be used with the CREATEDD utility. IThe storage address ranges on this diskette are: PInsert the dump diskette created by the CREATEDD utility into drive A and press any key to continue. PDiskette error. Insert another CREATEDD dump diskette and press any key to continue. ESystem trace information was not specified in your CONFIG.SYS file. EThe TRACE utility has detected an incorrect ON/OFF parameter. The command is ignored. IThe TRACE utility has detected an error in the major code %1, or its corresponding minor code list if used. This major event code is ignored. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT D.RILEY. EThe TRACE utility cannot accept any of the major event codes entered. System trace points were not updated. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT D.RILEY. IThe trace utility cannot accept any of the Trace Definition File(s) entered. Trace status for the DLL libraries was not updated. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT D.RILEY. EThe command is ignored because the Trace Utility detected a syntax error. EThe Trace Utility has detected an over-size error in %1. This file is ignored. PPress Enter to continue. EThe Trace Utility has detected an error in %1. This Trace Definition File is ignored. EThe Trace Utility was unable to locate %1, or the corresponding Dynamic Link Library module was not loaded. EThe trace utility detected an incorrect opcode(s) in %1. This trace definition file is ignored. EThis trace definition file is ignored because the trace utility detected an incorrect segment number in %1. IA write error occurred when creating a spool file. The file has been truncated where the write error occurred. IAn error occurred when attempting to open the spool file for printing. ESpool failed to disable Ctrl+Break or Ctrl+C. EThe system cannot accept the SPOOL command in DOS mode. ISPOOL is running. Print data will be redirected from device %1 to device %2. ISPOOL is running. Data will be printed on device %1. ESPOOL cannot open the asynchronous device, SPOOL has ended. EThe system cannot find the input device specified. EThe system cannot find the output device specified. EThe spool directory cannot be found. EThe spool directory contains the maximum number of files. IPrinting of the current spool file has been cancelled. IThe printing of all spool files has been cancelled. EA sharing violation occurred in the spool directory. ESpool is already running for the specified device %1. IThe spool disk is full. Programs attempting to write to a spooled printer will be suspended until space is available. Other operations might also be suspended. For spooling to continue, remove any unwanted files from the disk containing the spool subdirectory. EThe KEYB command does not support the keyboard code entered. EThe system cannot write the operating system files IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM to the target drive. EThe system is unable to transfer system files at this time. EThe system cannot find the operating system files. IAn internal error occurred in SYS. EThe system cannot accept the target drive. IThe partition table on the startup drive is incorrect. IThe operating system cannot be loaded from the startup drive. IThe operating system is missing from the startup drive. EThe VDISK specified in the CONFIG.SYS file cannot be installed. EThe system does not have enough storage to initialize a virtual disk. IVDISK Version 1.20 Virtual Disk %1 Disk Size: %2 KB Sector Size: %3 Directory Entries: %4 I0Return the error to the program 1End the program 2Retry the operation 3Ignore the error and continue Detached Process ID Pop-up Process ID Session Title: %% %% %% %% %% EThe system cannot accept the drive %1 specified for the SWAPPATH= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. The default drive %2 will be used. EThe system cannot accept the path %1 specified for the SWAPPATH= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. The system will attempt to use the subdirectory \OS2\SYSTEM of the startup drive. EThe system cannot create file %1. ISwapping has been switched off. EThe system does not have enough storage to activate swapping. EThe system was unable to make IBMBIO.COM contiguous. EThe system cannot accept the path %1 specified for the SWAPPATH= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. The system will attempt to use the root directory of the startup drive. IThe system found an incorrect pathname. IDirectory path listing IPath: %1 ISubdirectories: %1 IFiles: %1 IFiles: None ISubdirectories: None I %1 INo subdirectories exist. IAn incorrect character was entered in the message ID number. Correct the message ID and retry the command. IThe message ID number cannot contain more than four digits. For example, HELP 0123. Retry the command using the correct number of digits. IThe message ID number was not entered. For example, HELP 0123. Enter the desired message ID number. EThe system cannot find %1. PAlt+Esc to switch to the next session. Ctrl+Esc to switch to the Task Manager. Type HELP ON for help text. Type HELP OFF for no help text. Type HELP message-number for message help. Type EXIT to end this OS/2 session. P OS/2 Ctrl+Esc = Task Manager Type HELP = help INo help is available for the message ID number requested. PAlt+Esc to switch to the next session. Ctrl+Esc to switch to the Task Manager. Type HELP ON for help text. Type HELP OFF for no help text. Type HELP message-number for message help. P DOS Ctrl+Esc = Task Manager Type HELP = help IThe message file %1 cannot be found. Use the DPATH (OS/2) or APPEND (DOS mode) to specify the location of the message file, then retry the command. If HELP is still unable to find the message file, install the message file in the current directory, and retry the command. IHELP cannot read message file %1 Another process may be using the message file or the message file is incorrect. Wait for the other process to finish, or reinstall the message file. Then retry the command. *************************************************** * Insert the diskette containing the swap file in * * drive %1 and close the drive door. * *************************************************** *************************************************** * Remove the write protection from the diskette * * in drive %1 containing the swap file. * *************************************************** *************************************************** * ------Possible System Failure------- * * Unrecoverable error in the swap file * *************************************************** *************************************************** * ------Possible System Failure------- * * The swap file is full. * *************************************************** *************************************************** * ------Possible System Failure------- * * The swap control table is full. * *************************************************** EA virtual disk could not be installed. IRunning program %1. IThe type of file system for the disk is %1. IInstalled V1.1 External Device for Drive %1. EThe system cannot run the specified program. IThe requested function is not available in DOS mode for file system %1. EThe program cannot continue processing. EThe requested function is not supported on this media for file system %1. Volume in drive %1 has no label. PEnter a volume label of up to 11 characters or press Enter for no volume label update. I The volume label in drive %1 is %2. EThe system cannot find the file "%1". EThere is not enough storage to load the program or device driver "%1". EThere are too many parameters specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. E"%3" was found where "%4" was expected in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. EThe system cannot accept the option selected. EThe system cannot accept the combination of parameters entered. EThe system cannot print the file to the device specified. EThe spooler is not running. EDOS mode cannot accept the /C or /T parameter. E%1 file not found. IIBM Personal Computer Fixed Disk Setup Program Version 1.20 IFDISK options Choose one of the following: 1. Create an IBM Operating System/2 partition or a logical drive 2. Change the active partition 3. Delete an IBM Operating System/2 partition or a logical drive 4. Display the partition data Press Enter to continue or Esc to return to IBM Operating System/2 I5. Select the other fixed disk drive PEnter choice: IThe partition cannot be made active. IThe current primary partition is %1. IPartition %1 is now active. IThere are no partitions to make active. IPartition %1 is already active. PEnter the number of the partition you want to make active................: IChange the active partition. IThe primary IBM Operating System/2 partition is created. IThere is not enough space for %1 cylinders. IThere is not enough space for a %1 cylinder partition starting at cylinder %2. INo space is available to create an IBM Operating System/2 partition. IThe primary IBM Operating System/2 partition already exists. PEnter partition size............: IThe maximum capacity of the fixed disk is %1 cylinders. PEnter starting cylinder number..: ICreate an IBM Operating System/2 partition PDo you want to create an active IBM Operating System/2 partition of the maximum size (Y/N)..........? IThe Primary IBM Operating System/2 Partition is deleted. IThere is no primary IBM Operating System/2 Partition to delete. PWarning! Data in the Primary IBM Operating System/2 partition will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue.......? IDelete IBM Operating System/2 Partition IMaximum capacity of the fixed disk is %1 cylinders. INo partitions are defined. IPartition Status Type Start End Size IDisplay partition information P%1 is not a correct choice. Enter a correct choice. P%1 is not a correct choice. Enter Y or N INo fixed disks are present. IAn error occurred when reading data from the fixed disk. IAn error occurred when writing data to the fixed disk. Run the Hardware Diagnostics program diskette. IThe current fixed disk drive is: %1 PPress Esc to return to the FDISK Options. IThe fixed disk has been updated. The system should now be restarted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del. IThe fixed disk is in use. No partitions can be created or deleted. EThe PATCH parameters are incorrect. EThe data specified in the patch control file was incomplete. IPatching %1 PDo you want to continue patching %1? (Y/N) INo patches applied. IPatches entered for %1 PDo you want these patches applied to %1? (Y/N) IPatches applied to %1 INo patches applied to %1 IEnd of file is at %1 PEnter the hexadecimal offset of patch: EThe offset is beyond the end of the file. EThe number of patches exceeds the limit of PATCH. WNo file specified to patch in patch instruction file %1 EA %1 command was found without a %2 command. E%1 is not a valid offset for %2. E%1 is not a correct hexadecimal string for %2. EOffset %1 for %2 is too close or beyond offset %3 (end of file) to verify %4 bytes. EThe verification failed for %1. EOffset %1 for %2 is beyond offset %3 (end of file). EPATCH detected an unknown patch instruction file command: %1 EPATCH cannot open %1 to append to %2. ENo patches were specified for %1. EThe MODE parameters are incorrect. ICharacters per line has been set. ILines per inch has been set. IInfinite retry has been set. I-- More --IInfinite retry has been reset IMODE is unable to set the ReadBack function for the diskette. The process has ended. IAsynchronous Communications mode has been set. IMODE DSKT VER=%1 IThe parallel printer cannot be redirected to a communication device. Use the SPOOL utility to redirect the output. PInsert a diskette in drive A and press enter to continue or press CTRL+Break to cancel the MODE command. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not supported in DOS mode. EThe COM port specified is not installed. IThe MODE diskette ReadBack command has been successfully completed. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct. EThe MODE parameter DISPLAY is missing. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct. EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct for the type of video device specified. Files will be restored from drive %1: Insert backup diskette %1 in drive %2: Press Enter when ready. Warning! The diskette is out of sequence. Replace the diskette or press Enter to continue. Warning! File %1 is a read-only file. Replace the file (Y/N)? Warning! File %1 was changed after the backup. Replace the file (Y/N)? Operating system files are restored. The target disk may not be usable. The files were backed up on %1. The source and target drives entered are the same. The number of parameters entered is incorrect. No files were found to restore. The last file listed was not restored. The source diskette does not contain backup files. EThe system cannot restore a file in an incorrect order. The system cannot restore the file. PDiskette %1 Insert the RESTORE target diskette in drive %1. Press Enter when ready. EThe system cannot write to the BACKUP log file. Press Enter to continue, or press Ctrl+Break to cancel. EThe drive letter must be specified for the BACKUP command. ENo source drive was specified. ENo target drive was specified. EThe source and target drives entered are the same. EThe system cannot run the FORMAT command. IKEYS is on. IKEYS is off. EThe system cannot find the drive specified. EThe system cannot find the FORMAT utility. EThe system cannot open the logfile. EThe BACKUP command cannot format nonremovable drive %1. IThe last backup target diskette was not inserted. IThe BACKUP command is logging to file %1. IWarning! The files in the root directory of target drive %1: will be erased. Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel. IWarning! The files in the \BACKUP directory of target drive %1: will be erased. Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel. IThe files are being backed up to drive %1. PDiskette number %1 IThe system cannot find any files to back up. PInsert a backup source diskette in %1: Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel. PInsert backup diskette %1 in drive %2: EThe file cannot be backed up at this time. PInsert the last backup diskette in drive %1: Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel. EThe target disk cannot be used to back up files. IThe last file was not backed up because the target fixed disk is full. ITarget fixed disk %1: is full. EThe system cannot create the directory. EThe pathname is too long. P (Y/N)? ? ISource files are being read... I%1 file or directory cannot be found. P%1 specifies the directory or filename. Does %1 specify a directory (Y/N)? EThe system cannot copy to a subdirectory belonging to the source directory. EXCOPY cannot be performed. IANSI extended screen and keyboard control is on. IANSI extended screen and keyboard control is off. IThe system cannot load the startup file system which is needed to start the system. The information for the startup file system is incorrect. Reinstall your system. IThe system cannot initialize the startup file system which is needed to start the system. Reinstall your system. EThe system cannot find the file "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. EThe file "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid device driver. Line %1 is ignored. IThe information needed to IPL the system is not acceptable. IBM Operating System/2 Version 1.20 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 1989. All rights reserved. (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1981, 1989. IThe system cannot load the dynamic link library %1 which is needed to start the system. Install the dynamic link library in the root directory of the startup drive or in the directory specified in the LIBPATH command in the CONFIG.SYS file. IThe system cannot find the entry point %2 in dynamic link library %1 which is needed to start the system. Install the correct dynamic link library in the root directory of the startup drive or in the directory specified in the LIBPATH command in the CONFIG.SYS file. IThe system cannot open the CON: file, which is needed to start the system. IThe handle for the CON: file is not zero. Press Enter to continue. EThe system does not have enough storage for the DISKCACHE buffers. EThe system does not have enough storage to enable disk caching. EThe code page "%1" is not acceptable for the display. EThe code page combination "%1" is not acceptable for the keyboard. EThe country information file "%1" is incorrect. IThe system has assumed code page %1. ICode page switching is not available. EThe system has detected an error when starting. EThe KEYB command cannot find the translation table file for the keyboard in the path specified by the DEVINFO= statement of the CONFIG.SYS file. EThe KEYB command has detected an error reading the translation table file for the keyboard. EA system error has occurred. PCode page %1 is not available for the requested country keyboard. Do you want to load the translation table for the default code page (Y/N)? EThe Default Translate Table for the country code entered was not found. IThe system cannot reload the default table because it is already loaded. EThe system cannot open the keyboard. EThe system cannot accept the keyboard type specified. EThe system has detected an error while loading the translate table. IThe translation table for code page %1 has been loaded. EThe system cannot accept the parameter %1 EThe system is unable to get or change the code page for this process. IActive code page: %1 Prepared system code pages: %2 ECode page %1 is not prepared for system. INo code page support is available on the system. ICode page %1 is not prepared for device %2. EThe system cannot accept the START command parameter %1 EThere are no currently printing files in the print queue. PThere are too many printer queues associated with the device. Your job request is queued to print and cannot be cancelled. PThere are no printer queues associated with the device. Your job request is not queued to print and cannot be cancelled. EThe Presentation Manager spooler is not installed. EThe Presentation Manager print device specified is not installed. (not ready) EThe PRINT command has detected an unexpected Presentation Manager error. ESPOOL cannot load the font switching file. EOne or more code page values in the CODEPAGE= statement of the CONFIG.SYS file are incompatible with the specified printer. EAn error occurred while attempting to open the font file for the specified printer. EAn error occurred while reading the font file for the specified printer. EThe font file specified in a printer's DEVINFO= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file is not compatible with the printer type. EThe system does not have enough storage to do code page switching. EThe font file specified in the DEVINFO= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file is not correct. EFont switching may not be available because of an error in the system. EThe system detected too many code page specifications in the the DEVINFO= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. ESome of the code page specifications will not be available. EThe Presentation Manager input device specified by the spool command is busy and cannot be used by the spooler. EThe Presentation Manager output device specified by the spool command is busy and cannot be used by the spooler. EAn unexpected error was detected from the Presentation Manager. PThe spool directory parameter is no longer supported. Spool will ignore the parameter and continue processing. EThe system cannot find the file %1. EThe process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe. EThe system cannot start the session in the foreground. IA non-recoverable error occurred. The process ended. EThe system detected a divide by zero error. EThe process has stopped. The software diagnostic code (trap number) is %1. EThe process ended when it tried to use a non-existent math processor. The external process was cancelled by a Ctrl+Break or another process. E"%1" is not a recognized OS/2 device. EThe batch file cannot be found. IThe file or directory %1 has an incorrect Extended Attribute chain. EInsufficient memory is available to examine Extended Attributes chains. Processing continues. I%1 bytes in Extended Attributes. IAn error was found in the Extended Attributes for a file or directory. The error will be ignored unless you convert the Extended Attributes to files. Do you want to convert these Extended Attributes chains to files (Y/N)? IAn error was found in the Extended Attributes for a file or directory. Do you want to display these Extended Attributes chains as files (Y/N)? IThe file/directory was renamed to %1 its Extended Attributes are in %2. IThe first Extended Attributes cluster number of %1 is incorrect. The entry has been truncated. IThe file or directory was renamed to %1, its Extended Attributes are in %2. EThe system cannot locate the file &flname.. The file is not in the directory that contains the Program Selector (SHELL11F.EXE). Write down these steps: 1. Copy the file listed above into the directory that contains the Program Selector, or reinstall the system. 2. Restart the system. Press any key to continue. Then do steps 1 and 2. EThe system does not have enough storage to process the command. There is not enough storage available. Make more storage available. For example, decrease the value specified for the RMSIZE=, BUFFERS=, or TRACEBUF= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. Then restart the system. EThe system cannot process this request. A non-recoverable error occurred. Try to save all your programs and data. Then restart the system. EThe system cannot start the selected program. The maximum number of programs are currently running. End a running program. Then start another program. EThe system cannot set the mouse button assignments. The mouse may not be installed properly. Check that the mouse software is properly installed. Then restart the system. EThe system has detected an unacceptable executable format in the file. The program is either formatted incorrectly or is an incorrect version of IBM Operating System/2. Run the program from DOS mode. PDo you want to use the maximum size for an IBM Operating System/2 partition (Y/N) .....? PChoose one of the following: 1. Create primary IBM Operating System/2 partition 2. Create extended IBM Operating System/2 partition P 3. Create logical drive(s) in the extended IBM Operating System/2 partition PCreate Primary IBM Operating System/2 Partition PCreate Extended IBM Operating System/2 Partition PCreate Logical Drive(s) IExtended IBM Operating System/2 partition created. IDisk volume %1 created PChoose one of the following: 1. Delete the Primary IBM Operating System/2 partition 2. Delete the Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition P 3. Delete the logical drive(s) in the Extended IBM Operating System/2 Partition PDelete the Primary IBM Operating System/2 Partition PDelete the Extended IBM Operating System/2 Partition PDelete the Logical Drive IAll the logical drives have been deleted in the Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition. IThe extended IBM Operating System/2 partition was deleted. IThe drive has been deleted. IWarning! The partition marked is not a startup partition. IWarning! Data in the logical drive will be lost. What drive do you want to delete.........? IWarning! Data in the Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition will be lost. Do you want to continue.......................? PAre you sure......................? PEnter the size of the logical drive........: PThe Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition contains logical drives. Do you want to display the logical drive information.........? PPress Esc to return to IBM Operating System/2. PThe total partition size is %1 cylinders. The maximum contiguous space available for the logical drive is %2 cylinders. IThe total partition size is %1 cylinders. ICurrent Fixed Disk Drive: %1 IThe drive letters have been changed or deleted. IThe only startup partition on Drive 1 is already marked active. IAll available space in the Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition is assigned to logical drives. INo startup partitions exist. IOnly partitions on Drive 1 can be made active. IThe maximum number of logical IBM Operating System/2 drives are installed. IThe primary IBM Operating System/2 partition on drive 1 cannot be deleted when an Extended partition exists. IThe maximum available space for the partition is %1 cylinders. IDrive Start End Size I%1 %2 %3 %4 I%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 IAn Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition already exists. IAn Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition does not exist. IA partition or logical drive cannot be less than 32K bytes. INo logical drives are defined. IThe requested logical drive size exceeds the maximum space available. IThe requested partition size exceeds the the maximum space available. IThere are no partitions to delete. IAn Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition cannot be created without a Primary partition on Disk 1. PAn Extended IBM Operating System/2 partition cannot be deleted while logical drives exist. IA zero cannot be specified as the number of cylinders. IThe drive %1 was previously deleted. IAn internal error occurred in FDISK. INo Parameters are allowed with FDISK. EThe system cannot start another IBM Operating System/2 mode session. I%1 was installed. ICOM device driver Version 1.20 is being installed. EThe query status function for COM port is not available in DOS mode. WThe infinite retry option, P, is not valid in the OS/2 session. It has been ignored. PInsert the Device Support diskette in drive A and press Enter when ready. EThe diskette in drive A does not contain the profile control files or is defective. PThe Device Support diskette is installed. Remove the diskette from drive A. PInstallation of the Device Support diskette is not complete. To continue: I%1 file(s) moved. PInsert the OS/2 Installation Diskette in drive A; then press Enter. EThe diskette in drive A contains a defective profile control file. PPress simultaneously the CTRL, ALT, DEL keys to restart the system. IThe system detected an internal processing error at location %1. The system is stopped. IThe system detected a user error at location %1. EThe file "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid program. Line %1 is ignored. EThe application called the system with the interrupts off. The application has ended. Arguments used in system call (high to low): EThe file "%1" does not contain a valid program. IThe system detected a general protection fault (trap D) in a system call. Arguments used in system call (high to low): EA DOS mode program changed an interrupt vector that is owned by the system. The program was ended. EThe system does not have enough storage to reload a code or data segment. EA program caused a divide error. The program was stopped. EA program caused a single-step error. The program was ended. IThe system detected a hardware memory error. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. EA program caused a breakpoint error. The program was ended. EA program caused an overflow error. The program was ended. EA program caused a bound range error. The program was ended. EA program started an invalid instruction. The program was ended. EA program started a numeric coprocessor instruction, but there is no coprocessor present. The program was ended. EA system error occurred. EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction that attempted to reference storage past the end of a storage segment. The program was ended. EA system error occurred. EA program tried to reference a storage segment that is not in storage. The program was ended. EA program attempted to reference storage outside the limits of a stack segment. The program was ended. EA program caused a protection violation. IThe system detected a nonmaskable interrupt. IThe system detected a hardware memory error on the system board. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system detected a hardware memory error on an option card. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system detected a timeout on the DMA channel of the hardware. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system detected a timeout by the watchdog timer on the system board. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction with an incorrect operand. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. EA program started a numeric coprocessor instruction with a denormalized operand. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. EA program instruction caused the numeric coprocessor to try to divide a number by zero. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction that generated a result that exceeds the capacity of the coprocessor. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction that generated a result that is too small for the coprocessor. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction that caused a rounding error. The program was ended. The error occurred at address %1. IThe installation aid cannot be run concurrently. EThe Installation Aid does not recognize the command specified in the program file: %1 Check the spelling and the command name and retry the command. EThe Installation Aid cannot display the panel %1. The panel specified cannot be found on the fixed disk or diskette drive, or the panel is not in the correct format. Check that the panel is located on the fixed disk or diskette drive and that it is formatted correctly. Retry the command. EThe Installation Aid cannot create the file %1 This error usually occurs when: 1. There is no more room on the fixed disk or diskette. 2. The diskette is write protected. 3. The filename is a duplicate name of an existing file. Do one of the following: 1. Remove some unwanted files to make room on the fixed disk or diskette. 2. Enable the diskette for writing. 3. Rename the duplicate file. EThe Installation Aid cannot find the label %1 The GOTO or CALL command contains an unacceptable label. Correct the label name and retry the command. EThe Installation Aid cannot find the file %1 EThe Installation Aid detected an unacceptable filename or syntax error: %1 This error usually occurs when: 1. The filename or syntax has unacceptable characters. Unacceptable characters are: . " / \ [ ] : | < > + ; , and all control characters. 2. The filename may have been typed incorrectly. Correct the syntax and spelling. Retry the command. EThe Installation Aid cannot access the file %1 This error usually occurs when: 1. The file requested does not have read or write access. 2. The file has been changed. 3. The filename is not correct. 4. The path is not correct. Do one of the following: 1. Change the file mode to read or write. 2. Restore the file to its original state. 3. Check the spelling of the filename. 4. Check the spelling of the pathname. EThe Installation Aid cannot process this command. Set MEMMAN=SWAP in the CONFIG.SYS file. EThe application being processed cannot continue. WThe Installation Aid cannot read part of the program file. The comment delimiters do not match. EThe Installation Aid detected a syntax error: %1 Correct the syntax and retry the command. EThe Installation Aid detected a missing parameter in the SELECT statement. A variable is needed for the SELECT statement. Specify the variable in the SELECT statement and retry the command. EThe system cannot access the Program Selector. The Program Selector is not installed. Change the CONFIG.SYS file to specify: protshell=dmpc.exe shell11f.cnf shell11f.exe cmd.exe EThe Installation Aid has detected a duplicate label name %1 There are two labels with the same name located on different lines. The system will use the first occurrence of the label name. Remove one of the labels with the same name. IThe installation was not successful. IView history file. IProgram title ...IDate installed ..IDate updated ....IThe trace utility cannot identify a matching minor code, group or type record in %1 with the selection on the command line. This trace definition file is ignored. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT / D. RILEY EThe entire system trace buffer cannot be output to the specified device. EThe trace utility was unable to update the trace status of the following process ids: MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT / D. RILEY IToo little memory is available to run a trace process. The trace utility process ended. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT / D. RILEY IThe trace utility has detected a syntax error in the process ID list. The system process ID status for tracing was not updated. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT / D. RILEY EThe system cannot accept the extension specified on the program file. IThe trace utility has detected an invalid switch option on its command line. The switch option %1 is ignored. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT D. Riley IThe trace utility has detected a conflict between /S and /R switch options to suspend and resume logging of trace points in the trace buffer. These switch options are ignored. MSG UNDER DEVELOPMENT D. Riley EThe command or program is not compatible with the version of IBM Operating System/2 being used. $ ENo filename was specified. EThe parameters are incorrect. EEDLIN cannot open the specified file. EEDLIN cannot continue because of a read error in %S. EEDLIN will not edit a file with a .BAK extension. EThe disk is full and all the edits were lost. EEDLIN cannot continue because of a syntax error. IEDLIN has created a new file. IThe string specified cannot be found. PO.K.? EEDLIN cannot continue because the line is longer than 253 characters. IThe entire input file has been read. PDo you want to end the edit (Y/N)? EEDLIN cannot continue unless a destination line number is specified. EEDLIN does not have enough room to merge the specified file. IThe U.S. IBM PC version (437) of the graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe Canadian French version (863) of the graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe Portuguese version (860) of the graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe Nordic version (865) of the graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe U.S. IBM PC version (437) of the graphic code page table has just been loaded. IThe Canadian French version (863) of the graphic code page table has just been loaded. IThe Portuguese version (860) of the graphic code page table has just been loaded. IThe Nordic version (865) of the graphic code page table has just been loaded. INo graphic code page table has been loaded. IAn unrecognizable graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe acceptable GRAFTABL parameters are: /STA - Display the name and number of the current graphic code page ? - Display this summary of parameters 437 - U.S. IBM PC code page 850 - Multilingual graphic code page 860 - Portuguese graphic code page 863 - Canadian French graphic code page 865 - Nordic graphic code page IThe Multilingual version (850) of the graphic code page table is currently loaded. IThe Multilingual version (850) of the graphic code page table has just been loaded. IA disk read error occurred. IThe file IBMBIO.COM cannot be found. IInsert a system diskette and restart the system. IThe system cannot find the IBMDOS.COM file. IThe file IBMDOS.COM is not acceptable. IThe system does not have enough storage to start IBM Operating System/2. IThe OS/2 Logging Facility is loaded. Buffer Size: %1 KB IMinimum Free Disk Space: %1 KB IWrap File Size: %1 KB Press Esc to create the logical drive IThe LOGDAEM program cannot be started with a RUN= statement. The command is ignored. EThe OS/2 Logging Facility log file %1 has reached the %2 KB free disk space limit. Logging to the file has been suspended. IThe OS/2 Logging Facility is not loaded. IThe OS/2 Logging Facility cannot delete the %1 file. IUnrecoverable error occurred while writing to side %1, track %2 of the target diskette. EThe OS/2 Logging Facility cannot create the %1 file. IThe OS/2 Logging Facility cannot rename the %1 file to %2. IThe OS/2 Logging Facility encountered a general failure. IThere are no appended directories. IThe system has detected a conflict between the APPEND and ASSIGN utilities. APPEND is not active. IThe system has detected a conflict between the APPEND utility and the TOPVIEW application. APPEND is not active. IAPPEND is already installed. IThe path or parameter is incorrect. IA path specified for APPEND is incorrect. IYou are attempting to use an incorrect version of APPEND. EError %1 encountered an unexpected end of file on the redirected input. The process has stopped. ENot enough storage is available to create DOS mode. EThere is not enough storage to create DOS mode. The system is stopped. Correct the preceding error and restart the system. IDOS mode cannot be started. EThe file "%1" does not contain a valid device driver. E%1 messages were lost. EThe country information file "%3" specified in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect. EThe system could not demand load the application's segment. %1 is in error. For additional detailed information also see message SYS%2. IDOS Command Prompt IMore: PProgram Selector EAn error was detected in the SELECT/ESELECT block. The Installation Aid program detected a missing ESELECT statement or a syntax error within the block of SELECT statements entered. Edit the program file. Retry the command. EThe system cannot locate the file %1. The file is missing from the directory. Write down these steps: 1. Copy the file listed above into the correct directory, or reinstall the system. 2. Restart the system. Press any key to get to the command prompt. Then do steps 1 and 2. EPort %1 cannot be opened. IPort %1 is now unavailable for use in DOS mode. IPort %1 is now available for use in DOS mode. EThe system is unable to load the program. EA diskette drive letter must be specified. EThe MODE parameter %1 is incorrect. IThe last file shown was not backed up. IDisk read error, program ended. IDisk write error, program ended. EThe SYSLOG utility has detected a syntax error on the command line. This command was ignored. EThe SYSLOG utility could not complete the requested command because the OS/2 Logging Facility was not initialized during system startup. IAn invalid qualifier has been detected in the QUAL entry field of the panel. To correct ensure that this entry field when specified has a four character qualifier name entered. IThe specified log file is invalid. IAn invalid start/stop time was entered. Ensure that the proper start/stop time was entered. IAn invalid start/stop date was entered. Ensure that the proper start/stop date was entered. IThe log file has wrapped. All records previously displayed are lost. EThe SYSLOG utility was unable to locate its panels in the C:\OS2\SYSTEM directory. I OS2 Logging Facility I Print Log Record I Record ID: %1 Status: %2 I Date: %1 %2 I Time: %1 %2 I Qualifier: %1 %2 I Originator: %1 %2 IThe SYSLOG utility has terminated. Unable to generate the required memory to continue. IRegistered INo registration INormal completion IForwarding failed IThe system log file has no records. IThe SYSLOG utility was unable to successfully complete a write command to the printer device. The utility has stopped its printing process. IThe SYSLOG utility has detected a corrupted log file. No further formatting attempts will be made. IThe command completed successfully. EAttach failed: The specified drive is invalid. EAttach failed. The specified device is invalid. EAttach failed. The specified File System driver is invalid. EAttach failed: An error occurred. EDetach failed: The specified drive is invalid. EDetach failed: The specified device is invalid. EDetach failed: An error occurred. INo remote drives or pseudo devices are currently attached. Drive or File System Device Driver Name Attach Information